ZO.RRO - Zero Carbon Cross Energy System

Z.ENO tool shows ways to achieve climate neutrality for SMEs

The Z.ENO simulation tool calculates energy transition trajectories for Thuringian companies and the entire state.

In the ZO.RRO II project funded by the Thuringian Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Nature Conservation, ThEEN is working with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from Thuringian industry to identify ways to decarbonize the energy supply. The Z.ENO tool (ZO.RRO Energysystem Optimization) enables an in-depth analysis of a company's energy system and, based on this, the calculation of tailor-made future scenarios, taking costs and amortization periods into account.

"Unfortunately, it's not as easy as you thought at the beginning." (Practice partner, anonymous)

ThEEN has currently presented and discussed various scenarios as interim results in workshops with practical partners from the electronics, mechanical engineering, metal processing and plastics industries. Practice partners reported back that Z.ENO delivered interesting and sometimes surprising results that had not been considered in the companies' previous planning. Possible solutions for the complex transformation project include, for example, increasing self-supply in renewable energy through photovoltaics, but also PPAs (Power Purchase Agreements) with wind or solar energy. The provision of heat is being decarbonized through electrification or the use of bioenergy. For example, we are currently examining the direct connection to a biogas plant and a nearby wind farm for a company in a rural area. Z.ENO is also looking at the integration of electrical and thermal storage systems, including the use of a cold storage system in one case.

What exactly is the use of Z.ENO and who can benefit from it?

Z.ENO was developed from an open source tool for energy system modeling (oemof) by Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences (in.RET) and was further developed by ThEEN for the demonstrator companies. Z.ENO is constantly being expanded and optimized by both project partners. In addition, the Z.ENO tool is already available for use outside the project for individual companies as well as entire regions and enables realistic future scenarios to be calculated, providing a valuable basis for investment decisions. Interested parties can contact ThEEN and Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences for further information.

The ZO.RRO II SME research project aims to support the Thuringian industries on the path to climate neutrality. The findings from the work with small and medium-sized Thuringian production companies will be processed by the end of 2024 to enable knowledge transfer. A conference is planned for the last quarter of this year. Current information can be found on the project website: www.zorro.energy