ZO.RRO - Zero Carbon Cross Energy System

The ZO.RRO II state project for decarbonization of the energy supply in industrial companies

The demonstration phase of the energy project ZO.RRO (Zero Carbon Cross Energy System) has started! The ZO.RRO II state project, led by Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences and the Thuringian Renewable Energies Network (ThEEN Association), received the funding decision from the Thuringian Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Nature Conservation (TMUEN) for around 2 million euros on 23 May 2022 (press release).

This enables the ZO.RRO II team to develop and implement lighthouse projects in the form of demonstrators until the end of Juky 2026 in cooperation with industrial practice partners. The aim is to build on the analyses carried out in ZO.RRO I and to carry out detailed measurements.

Our Goal

Reduce CO2 emissions, optimize supply & prove the CO2 footprint of participating companies by:

  • detailed measurements to evaluate suitable options in energy supply

  • identification of hidden savings potentials and largest CO2 sources

  • economic and ecological evaluation of individual plants

  • verification of CO2 footprint and sustainable development

  • optimization of the design of new plants and supply concepts (e.g. by using photovoltaics, energy storage, flexibility potentials, electromobility)

ZO.RRO Trailer

ZO.RRO II SME - Video (2.5 min) - Tools for a climate-neutral industry

ZO.RRO II Videoclip 2035 on Climate Neutrality by 2035 - New Results of Energy System Modelling

The much-cited study "So geht's - How Thuringia can become climate-neutral (...)" by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Viktor Wesselak, Professor of Regenerative Energy Technology at Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences, was further developed. After the scientists in the ZO.RRO I project in November 2021 showed transformation paths to 2050, calculations were carried out in the continuation with the energy system modeling for climate neutrality in the Free State by 2035.

The researchers conclude that by calculation, climate neutrality is also feasible and affordable sooner, although the simulation tool does not factor in the time required for the processes of land allocation, skilled labor acquisition, and permitting of renewable energy facilities.

The open-source tool, which is constantly being developed further, makes it possible to store costs and parameters of the technologies and energy sources used. The resulting optimal composition of the technology mix for a climate-neutral Thuringia is particularly relevant. Accordingly, the massive expansion of wind energy is crucial for the Free State to save costs. With increased use of photovoltaics to compensate for missing wind power plants, the transformation of the energy system becomes significantly more expensive. With its calculation scenarios, the study is intended to help objectify the debate on the expansion of renewable energies.

Complete study (German Language): ESY_Klimagesetz.pdf (hs-nordhausen.de)

The State-Sponsored ZO.RRO II Project Team

The ZO.RRO II state project (ZO.RRO II SME) is being carried out by the Institute for Regenerative Energy Technology (in.RET) at Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences and the Thuringian Renewable Energy Network (ThEEN) e.V.. The joint-project managers are Prof. Dr. Viktor Wesselak (in.RET) and Dipl.-Geogr. Jana Liebe (ThEEN).

The overarching ZO.RRO communication office for the federal and state project is headed by Ms. Liebe.

We simulate and demonstrate practical solutions for the decarbonization of energy supply in small and medium-sized industrial companies (SMEs).

We are always happy to exchange expertise and answer any questions. Please use our contact form!

ZO.RRO II SME Cooperating Cluster

ZO.RRO presents future.

What's happened so far


Conceptual Phase 2019 - 2022

The ZO.RRO I Project ended on June 30th, 2022.
Please find all content in our archives.