ZO.RRO - Zero Carbon Cross Energy System

Institute for Renewable Energy Technology receives Digital and Open-Source Award Thuringia 2022

Christoph Schmidt and Prof. Viktor Wesselak accept the award from Thuringia's Minister of Economic Affairs, Wolfgang Tiefensee, on behalf of in.RET (Photo: Michaela Wesselak)

On June 25, Minister Tiefensee awarded the Institute for Renewable Energy Technology at Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences the Digital and Open Source Award Thuringia 2022 in the category Open Source Solutions.

The Institute for Renewable Energy Technology (in.RET) has developed an energy system model for Thuringia using open-source thinking to help the Free State achieve its climate goals. This tool can help to determine an optimal interaction of different technologies and generate conclusions on energy consumption, storage use or socio-economic framework conditions. The complete disclosure of the data makes it possible for other institutions and companies to use the model further and, for example, to adapt it to other federal states or companies. Both the data and simulation program were published in the Digital Library of Thuringia (Link).

The Energy System Model Thuringia was developed as part of the research project "Case Study Thuringia", funded by the Thuringian Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Nature Conservation. Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences and the Thuringian Renewable Energy Network (ThEEN e.V.) worked on the research project as a sub-project within the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) project "ZO.RRO -Zero Carbon Cross Energy System".

The Digital and Open Source Prize Thuringia will be awarded for the fourth time this year. The prize money of 5,000 Euros per category is provided by the Thuringian Ministry of Economics, Science and Digital Society. Organizers of the award are the Digital Agency Thuringia and the ITnet Thuringia. A total of 22 companies or institutions applied for the prize this year.

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